Flea Extermination In Burlington, NC

Did you just find out your pet has fleas? Go-Forth Pest Control in Burlington can help control the flea issue in your home. Even though your pet was treated, they are most likely still in your home. Our technicians know to target the areas where fleas like to hide in your home. They use products that are kid and pet-friendly. Call Go-Forth or click to get a free quote on your flea extermination today.

flea on skin jumping

Flea Facts

Fleas attach to their hosts and feed off their blood. They leave red, itchy marks on humans and animals. They are known to hide on your pets but can be found on your furniture, carpet, and even travel to your car seats. Even if your pet gets treated by a professional, they could still be hiding in your home and reattach to them. Fleas are known to cause Heartworm in pets which can be deadly in some cases.

Fleas can come in several types. There are 2000 species of fleas, and one of the species that keeps on affecting your pets is the cat flea. With a great number of flea species, it can only mean that once they unite, a big infestation can happen. If you don’t want to experience any flea infestation in your property, hire an exterminator who can get rid of fleas effectively.

Adult fleas can die if they don’t find a host within a week. They will stay in the pupae stage for a longer period until they've found a host. So, if you don’t want those fleas to make you their host, better eliminate them as soon as possible. Having fleas is indeed a problem because it can cause severe inconveniences, not only to pets but to you as well. For a better living space, an exterminator is the one you need.

How We Get Rid Of Fleas

Fleas can transfer from one place to another by jumping. Once your pet goes in a flea-infested area, expect that they will be carried back to your home. Avoid experiencing this by calling Go-Forth. As your pest control company, we can instantly eliminate fleas to make you comfortable and have peace of mind even when you have pets. Our exterminator will use treatments which are surely effective in getting rid of fleas. Rest assured that our products and equipment are safe for your pets, home, and the environment.

With our combined expertise and effective treatment, we make sure that fleas, insects, bugs, and other pests infesting your home will be eradicated. Call us today and have the chance to experience our same day service!

Flea Company Near Me

We are a local flea control company near you in Burlington. We are happy to serve our customers even in local areas. Call us today! Fleas travel and reproduce fast, so get Go-Forth Pest Control to help with your flea extermination in Burlington today.


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