Flea Exterminator In Lewisville, NC

Did you find out your pet has fleas in Lewisville, NC? Your home probably has them too, and Go-Forth Pest Control can help exterminate them. Fleas are a nuisance and can disrupt your life. Our trained technicians can inspect your home to see where fleas might be hiding. We have been in business since 1959 and train our technicians to do a thorough search for fleas in your home. Call today or click to get a free quote on your flea extermination now.

flea on a pet

Flea Facts

Fleas like to enter homes on pets like cats or dogs. They travel off of their hosts and into other parts of your home. They have been found in carpet, furniture, and even on the seats in cars.

Some people think store-bought products are enough to keep these pests away, but those are only temporary fixes. In order to make sure fleas stay away from your home it is best to call a professional. Even though your pet gets treated for fleas, they could come back and give your pet heartworm.

Fleas can jump for 30,000 times non-stop. Because of this, they can easily transfer from one host to another which makes it easier for them to infest their homes. Pets can easily acquire fleas, especially if they play around in flea-infested areas.

Larvae and eggs of fleas are not mostly found on dogs or cats, as they are usually hiding in dark areas like carpets, corners, or cracks. They tend to hide from the light. Sometimes, the pupae can live for a year.

Fleas can increase their population quickly because they lay 40 to 50 eggs every day. One female flea can have 2,000 eggs during its lifespan. When those female fleas are not removed, a bigger infestation can occur.

Pets that are living indoors are also susceptible to fleas because of the pest’s ability to transport. With this, pets can experience flea bites which are itchy and uncomfortable. Sometimes, the infestation can turn into an allergy which is alarming.

Fleas don’t only bring heartworm, but there are still other diseases that this parasite can cause. Infested animals can experience iron deficiency anemia which sometimes needs blood transfusions. The younger animals like kittens and puppies can be victims of fleas. Fleas are hard to eliminate if you do it on your own. To keep your dogs and your family safe from any flea infestation, call an exterminator immediately.

How We Get Rid Of Fleas

Go-Forth knows the struggle of dealing with fleas; they are difficult and exhausting to deal with. This pest doesn’t only infest your dogs or cats, but you can be a target as well. Our company offers high-quality pest control services that are useful in getting rid of fleas, insects, bugs, and pests for good. Our exterminator is highly trained, licensed, and certified to perform flea control at your property.

Here with us, we guarantee that you and your pets are safe whenever we perform pest control because we only use treatments that are harmless to humans and animals. Rest assured that those fleas, insects, bugs, or pests bothering your pets and family will bid goodbye and will never come back. When signs of a flea infestation are visible to your pets or property, don’t wait for it to worsen. Thus, instantly heed our attention, and we will see to it to attend to your pest control needs as quickly as possible.

Flea Company Near Me

We are a local flea control company near you in Lewisville. We also serve our customers in local areas. Call us now! Let Go-Forth Pest Control help with your flea extermination in Lewisville today.


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