Bed Bug Exterminator In Lenoir, NC

Do you need help getting rid of bed bugs in Lenoir, NC? Go-Forth Pest Control of Hickory is here to make sure your problem is taken care of now. Bed bugs can cause multiple problems if they are not handled immediately. Go-Forth has been in business since 1959 and knows how to get rid of bed bugs effectively. We will make sure we target the areas you are concerned with and make sure the bugs have not moved to other parts of your home. We train our technicians to know how to identify bed bugs and what plan is right for the customer. Give us a call today to speak to one of our representatives or fill out our form to get a free quote now.

bed bugs on wood

Bed Bug Facts

These bugs usually find their way into your home after you have returned from vacation or staying in a hotel. You may have picked up the bed bugs from those places, and now they are infesting your entire home.

Bed bugs love to find warm places to live, like your bed or box spring. They can be found on couches, car seats, and walls of your bedroom too. They live off of blood so they will try to attach to any warm-blooded host they can find.

Bed bugs mostly attack humans because they have less hair than an animal for the bug to get through. They target exposed skin like your neck, hand, and arms.

Some signs that you may have bed bugs are bites on your body and small blood stains on your sheets. Bed bugs reproduce rapidly which is why it is hard to control them on your own. To make sure the bed bugs are taken care of you should call a local exterminator near Hickory, NC today.

How We Get Rid Of Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are small but can cause itchy bites which are uncomfortable. They tend to feed whenever their hosts are sleeping; that’s why you have bed bug bites when you wake up. If you want to sleep soundly at night and don’t want any itchy bites, then eliminate the pests by calling Go-Forth, your local exterminator in Lenoir. Our company offers the best bed bug solution which can eliminate the pests successfully. We make use of safe treatments and methods which will not put your life in danger once we perform our pest control services at your property.

We know where those bed bugs are hiding; that’s why we will check those areas and instantly apply the treatment. We guarantee that you will never have any sleep disruption once we deal with those bed bugs for good. Whenever you need our professional help, call us, and we will come to you right away. We don’t only get rid of bed bugs, but we can also eliminate other nuisances like insects, pests, and other bugs.

Bed Bug Company Near Me

Go-Forth is a local bed bug control company near you in Lenoir. We offer excellent pest control services which are also available for our customers in local areas. Call us today and enjoy our same-day service!


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