
The yellow jacket’s size can range anywhere in between ½ inch  to ¾ inches long. This North American predator is often mistaken for bees because of their black and yellow coloring and body shape. They also resemble the hornet but their head is much larger. Yellow jackets have alternating yellow stripes along their body, a long slender body, thin long wings and yellow legs. Unlike the bee who feeds on the nectar, the yellow jacket will feed on other, smaller insects.

yellow jacket

Yellow jackets in Greensboro are very aggressive creatures and will attack if swung at. Their sting is very painful and if they are to get inside clothing can result in an unbearable amount of pain. The yellow jacket venom is only dangerous if stung multiple times or there is an existing allergy.


Yellow jackets will nest in hollow logs, rotten burrows, and stumps. These nests can grow to be quite large, some having a many as 5,000 inhabitants. Usually the nests are built in the spring because the temperature is very important for the future of the colony.

Yellow jackets can be found all over the world but are most common in the United States. The yellow jackets will build their nests in and above ground, the ceilings of buildings, hollow parts of trees, or cliff faces.

The adult female will build her nest out of mud which they will collect alongside puddles of water. This results in an almost paper-like feature to the nest. Each of the nests are made up of 25 cylindrical cells, having eggs laid by the female wasp. The cells will be closed to protect the larvae and keep other insects out.

Elimination Or Control

Pest control for yellow jackets can be both dangerous and extensive. One of the first steps to take in order to keep yellow jackets under control is to dispose of any trash or food that has been left out. The next step to take is to kill the nest. This is the most dangerous part to this process but it is necessary in order to prevent anymore yellow jackets from multiplying. You must treat this nest at night because the yellow jackets are unable to see in the dark. Use a pyre thrum gas such as CB extra or CV-80D to fill the nest and kill the yellow jackets inside. After the pyrethrum gas is dry use an insecticide dust such as Tempo Dust to prevent any future breeding. Another method used to eliminate these pest is the bait station. Typically used with Onslaught Insecticide and paired with a fresh meat to attract the pests that's poison for the yellow jackets once they taste the bait.


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