About Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are obnoxious tormentors that are capable of spreading sicknesses to people and creatures alike. Specifically, the feared West Nile Virus, carried by mosquitoes, has had increased attention. This mosquito-borne malady was first found in Africa, in 1937 and didn’t show up in North America until 1999. As of recently, reports of this spreading infection and the yearly increment of deaths in America have started to develop concern and dread of this minor creepy crawly.

Mosquitoes in North Carolina are grouped inside an indistinguishable request from genuine flies because of their single match of wings. Dissimilar to other genuine flies inside their request, these creepy crawlies have scaled wings and females have a long, needle-like mouthpiece. This mouthpiece stretches out and can puncture skin, empowering her to suck blood from her host. The male mosquitoes, are not able to suck blood, but instead they feed on flower nectar.

What They Look Like: Brown body with thin wings and six long, thin legs.


Mosquito Habitats

It is normally trusted that mosquitoes stay close to standing water. While the dominant part of mosquito eggs are laid in a pontoon like progression crosswise over new or still water, some of these creepy crawlies can decide to lay their eggs inside sodden soil. All the eggs require water some form of water to finish their development.

Home Headquarters

Mosquitoes typically lay eggs in standing water (although some species have adapted past this requirement), so they’re often found near lakes, swamps, ponds, marshes, and tidal areas. They’re especially active during spring and summer in the Northern Hemisphere.


Female mosquitoes bite humans and animals, and consume blood to provide nutrients for laying eggs. Adult males snack on nectar from flowers.

Danger Zone

Nearly everyone has experienced the most common mosquito side effect — a red, itchy bite. The swelling and itchiness are actually due to the body’s reaction to mosquito saliva. Mosquitoes are infamous for carrying and transmitting diseases like malaria, encephalitis, West Nile virus, yellow fever, and heartworm, a serious disease for dogs.

Mosquito Control

Yes, it is possible to manage mosquitoes without pouring on the DEET. First, make the house an inhospitable environment for the insects — keep windows closed and install screens, drain any standing water (to prevent breeding), and keep yard grass short.

Before hanging out outdoors during the spring or summer, put on long sleeves and pants and apply a natural repellent such as lemon, eucalyptus oil, or another essential oil like lavender, peppermint, or citronella.

Since mosquitoes are weak fliers, positioning an oscillating fan in outdoor areas can keep the bugs away without using chemicals. Many individuals see mosquitoes as only a disturbance.

Consider this, they exchange maladies that incorporate basic frosty, pipe infection, and even guides. It is very critical that you read our mosquito control page and find out about systems to keep mosquitoes off you with the addition bug control action procedures.


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